Filtering worklogs by user

The Filter user control is a multiple user picker that defines Jira users for which the worklogs will be show in the grid. If left empty, the default Jira behavior of showing worklogs of all users will be used. If a specific user is selected then only her/his worklogs will be displayed in the grid cells and in the summation values for rows and columns.

In the following example we will examine how the Worklog grid changes depending on Filter users control.

When the Filter users field is empty, worklogs by all users are shown in the grid and in the Worklog list:

However when we set Filter users to a specific user - jsmith, and look at the same day we can notice that the worklog for ticket DPA-2 has reduced from 7h to 5h and that there is no worklog for the ticket DPA-1. This is because only worklogs by user jsmith are now displayed:

Lets check the Worklog list for ticket DPA-2 on the given date (13.02.2020):

Filter user empty

Filter user = jsmith