
Following article will give you a detailed insight in Worklog express configuration options.

  • Show is billable 

  • Export wiki renderer as text 

Show is billable 

If you plan to use your worklogs as an invoicing data source, each worklog entry can be marked as billable or non-billable. If you don't need this option, you can hide it from Log work and Quick entry form by disabling it on Worklog express configuration page.


In order access worklog Configuration form, you need to be logged in as Jira administrator.


Press the cog icon and choose the Manage apps option.


On the left sidebar, under Worklog express section choose Configuration.


This option determines whether or not the billable option will appear on Log work and Quick entry form. 




Export wiki renderer as text

The second available option in Configuration page is Export wiki renderer as text.


If you want to create a raw data export and include some fields which have wiki renderer enabled (for example issue description, worklog comments, etc.), you may want to exclude attached files URLs and show only standard Jira attachment references.


If Export wiki renderer as text option is checked and you have some filed attached to your worklog comment, it will have a complete URL to attached filed.


If Export wiki renderer as text option is not checked than your exported Worklog comment will look like standard Jira attachment references.